Megabyte Mondays are the library's weekly computer and technology classes.
Have you been saving documents and information to your computer only to discover that you cannot locate them when you need them? Do you fear you will run out of space? Learn how to create folders on the computer to organize information, and how to copy, move, and delete files as needed.
Bring your own laptop or device or borrow one of ours.
No registration necessary but limited space is available; patrons will be admitted into the program on a first-come-first-serve basis.
This is an on-site, in-person program. If you have any questions regarding the library’s policies and programming, please call us at 732-873-8700 x 111.
The 36,018 square foot Demott Lane Branch is located in the Franklin Township municipal complex and provides a large community room for library programming, as well as additional meeting room space for community groups, study rooms, public access computers, and more.